Undergraduate Program - FMP - Superior School Foundation of the Public Ministry


The Bachelor’s Degree in Law at FMP is completely focused on Law, therefore promoting specialized learning, focused on legal careers in public and private areas. The faculty is formed, mostly, by masters and doctors who are in constant development and have vast experience in their areas of expertise.


For those who want to study Law, FMP offers different ways to enter its undergraduate program. Check out the modalities available below and study at the best Private Law School in Rio Grande do Sul. 

To enter the FMP Law School through the entrance examination, you need to carry out our selection process, which occurs twice a year. See how the examination works, the registration fees and the possibility of getting a scholarship.

If you study at another institution and want to become a student at FMP, we accept Law students or students from the following related courses: Administration, Anthropology, Archeology, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, History, International Relations, Social Work, Sociology or Theology.

If you already hold a degree, you can apply as a degree holder to study Law at FMP. Consult related areas and see the documents required for enrollment.

You can also attend FMP by applying with your grade in the ENEM (National High School Exam). 30% of the vacancies are allocated for entrance through this modality.

10 reasons to study in FMP

1. Focus on Law
2. Qualified professors
3. Closeness to the student and psychopedagogical assistance
4. Technological Innovation Program
5. Positive performances and certifications
6. Exchange with renowned foreign institutions
7. Promotion of scientific research
8. Complementary Activities
9. Structure of the learning rooms
10. Campus location


Coordenadora da Graduação



O valor da mensalidade da Graduação em Direito da FMP é calculado pelo número de créditos das disciplinas em que o aluno está matriculado.
O valor do crédito é de R$ 155,82.
Ex.: 5 disciplinas = 20 créditos = R$ 3.116,41 (valor da mensalidade)

*Valores referentes a 2024.

Credits Monthly Fee
12 R$ 1.378,56
16 R$ 1.838,08
20 R$ 2.297,60
24 R$ 2.757,12

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